High Five for Friday and Favorites!

August 23, 2013 § 1 Comment


1. Went with my sister-in-law-to-be to see her try on her wedding dress Saturday. She is going to be a stunning bride!

2. Saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s at the Fox Theater with some of my faves. Hard to beat a day like that. If you haven’t watched that movie since you were a young girl, I think you should give it another whirl. It’s a little deeper than you may have originally thought.

3. The sun finally came out today. It’s pretty crazy that you feel the need to capture evidence that the sun came out in Georgia in August.

4. Went to Antico last night. Normally people go for the authentic Italian pizza. But since we can’t afford those amenities this weekend, we ate beforehand and brought our own vino. The point, you ask? To see precious friends in town from Switzerland! #winning

This is one of my admittedly less interesting weeks in photos. But I’m kind of thankful for that, you know? Means I got some rest in there somewhere.

{Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth and High Five for Friday!}


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